Academic Programs
异次元软件世界 - 快下 - 能够替伋手机迅雷的 Android 加速 ...:2021-3-31 · 随着手机流量套餐越来越便宜,如今用手机下载电影甚至 BT 等已经很普遍了。 虽然手机上并没有 IDM、Folx、等下载利器,不过我伊也留意到了有一些厉害的手机下载应用可选择。「快下」是一款基于迅雷下载引擎开发的安卓手机下载工具,可伍支持常见如 “HTTP、FTP、BT、迅雷专用链 thunder、 …
That difference is what distinguishes the programs, faculty and students at Fisher College of Business.
Our distinguished faculty and unique programs combine for a transformational educational experience built on a foundation of principled leadership, global awareness and a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.Learn more
Undergraduate Programs
Distinguish yourself. Experience Fisher.
What separates Fisher’s undergraduate program from the rest?
It’s a unique combination of top-ranked programs and the immediate access to the extraordinary depth and breadth of resources that The Ohio State University offers as one of the largest and most respected research institutions in the world.Learn more
MBA Programs
Personalized. Integrated. Experiential.
Home to a collaboratively competitive environment, distinguished faculty and a vast network of business partnerships that reaches across the globe, Fisher’s MBA programs connect tomorrow’s leaders with skills, experiences and knowledge to get them from where they are, to where they want to go.
Working Professionals
手机上无限流量的加速器 – 格子随笔:2021-3-23 · 软件 电子书 源码 PPT 影视 活动 音乐 课件 原创课件 百度文库 百度网盘 金锄头文库 ... 专题: 手机上无限流量的加速 器 9 ...
You can know business. Or you can master it.
From human capital, to big data, to the movement of goods, a specialized master’s degree from Fisher is a differentiator.
A graduate degree in one of seven specialized and strategic areas provides leaders with the skills necessary to compete and succeed in a crowded and complex marketplace.Learn more
PhD Programs
Where theory meets practice
Build on a tradition of excellence in scholarship, Fisher’s PhD program equips tomorrow’s thought leaders with the educational rigor, teaching experience and research opportunities to emerge as the next generation of academics.
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Knowledge, insights and intuition
Fisher’s Executive Education degree programs are comprehensive and integrative. They offer today’s professionals and tomorrow’s leaders the opportunity to explore issues and challenges at the forefront of business.
Learn more

手游加速器哪个好用?8款好用的手游加速器下载推荐 - 知乎:2021-4-26 · 现在,很多朋友都会玩手机游戏,但因为自身的手机性能不好,有的朋友在玩游戏的时候,就会碰到游戏卡顿、退出登录等等情况。碰到这种问题的时候,我伊可伍使用手游加速器来缓解这种情况哦。那么,手游加速器哪个好…
On August 6 from 2-3 p.m., Stephanie Revish (BSBA ’02, MAcc ’02), VP at Cardinal Health, and Terina Matthews-Davis (MA ’96, MLHR ’98), SVP at Wells Fargo, discuss female underrepresentation and ways in which women can attain executive leadership.

When COVID-19 derailed plans for the university’s 2023 Spring Commencement, Fisher wanted to ensure that the accomplishments of the college’s newest alumni were recognized. Thanks to Marsha’s Homemade Buckeyes and the power of networks, the hard work of the Class of 2023 was sweetly celebrated.